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Posted by All Info Friday, January 28, 2011 0 comments

WHAT is uterine myomas?
Uterine myomas are benign uterine muscle tissue accompanied by binding to the solid form as the dominant binding network, and software as the dominant uterine muscle

Unclear, but suspected estrogen hormone 

20% of women aged 35 years

The existence of a tumor or mass in the lower abdomen. Bleeding is not usually in the form of menorrhagia normalà

Caused by circulatory disorders or local necrosis accompanied by inflammatory processes with omental adhesion to the intestinal. It can also be caused nerve pressure and spread to the waist and lower leg. The emphasis of the enlarged uterus. Bladder pressure in causing vulnerability bladder, polyuria and dysuria. When the urethral pressure, urinary retention could arise. Pressure on the rectum, sometimes causing constipation and pain during defecation.

Severe anemia because of bleeding. Weak and tired

Easy infection. Sesakn breath. Erytrositosis at large myomas

Reduce the possibility of women becoming pregnant, especially in uterine myomas submukosum. The possibility of increased abortion. Abnormalities location of the fetus in the womb, especially in large myomas and location subserus. Hindering the birth of a baby, especially in the uterine cervix is located at Complicate the release of the placenta

Progestin therapy. Giving aginis GnRH. Conservative Action. Radiotherapy

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Body fluids normally travels between the two compartments or the main room in an effort to maintain fluid balance value. The loss of intra-cellular fluid (CES) into a space that does not affect the balance between intra-cellular fluid with extra cellular (CIS) and (CES) is called the third space fluid shifts. The effect of third space fluid shifts that is characterized by dizziness, increased frequency of the heart, decreased blood pressure, decrease in intra central pressure (TIS), edema, weight gain, and imbalances in the input and output of fluid.

Normal fluid movement through capillary walls into the tissue depends on the increase in hydrostatic pressure (pressure generated by fluid in the blood vessel wall) on both ends of the arteries and veins.

Osmotic pressure generated by liquid plasma.
Direction of fluid movement depends on the difference of these two opposite directions (hydrostatic pressure of osmotic). In addition to CES electrolyte also transports other substances, such as enzymes and hormones. CES also brings blood components like red cells and white blood cells throughout the body.

Osmosis and osmolarity.
Displacement of water occurs via membrane from areas with low solute concentration to regions with high solute concentration until both concentrations are equal.

-                      Diffusion
Is the natural tendency of a substance to move from an area with a higher concentration to low concentration area. Diffusion occurs through irregular movement of ions and molecules.

- Filtration
Hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries tend to filter the discharge from vascular compartments into the intra-cellular fluid.

- Sodium-potassium pump
Greater sodium concentration in the CES in the appeal in the CIS and therefore there is a tendency of sodium to enter cells by diffusion. It is also balanced by the sodium-potassium pump located on the cell membrane and move the active cell sodium of the cell into the CES. Conversely intracellular potassium concentration which occurs maintained by pumping potassium into cells.

Route revenue and loss
Water and electrolyte obtained in various ways. In a healthy state, a liquid obtained by drinking and eating. But in many kinds of diseases may be given fluids through the parenteral or enteral nutrition through a tube in the stomach or intestines. If fluid balance is critical, all the way meeting and all the way to lose should be recorded and the volume comparison. Organs seem to lose fluids, including kidneys, skin, lung and gastrointestinal.

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TB disease is a disease which is categorized in infections caused by bacteria Micro bacteria tuberculosis. TB disease can strike at anyone not to mention men, women, old, young, rich and poor and anywhere. In Indonesia in particular, this disease continues to grow each year and currently reaches 250 million new cases among 140 000 resulted in death. Even Indonesia occupied the third largest country in the world in this TB problem.

· Cause Disease (TB)

TB disease is caused by bacteria Mikobakterium tuberculosis, rod-shaped bacteria and is resistant to acids also known as the Batang Resistant Acid (BTA). This type of bacteria was first discovered by a man named Robert Koch on March 24, 1882, to commemorate his services, the bacteria is given the name of the Koch bacillus. Even TBCpada lung disease was also known as Koch Pulmonum (KP).

· How to transmission of TB Disease

TB disease transmission is through contaminated air by Mikobakterium tuberculosis that is given off by the TB patient released when coughing, which in children is generally the source of infection comes from adults who suffer from tuberculosis. These bacteria enter the lungs, and gathered to develop into many (especially in people who have low immune system), even these bacteria also may have spread through the blood vessels or lymph nodes, causing infection of other organs such as brain, kidney , gastrointestinal tract, bone, lymph nodes and the others though that most of the pulmonary organs.

The entry into the organ Mikobakterium pulmonary tuberculosis cause infection in the lungs, which occurred immediately colony growth of bacteria that is round (globular). With immunological reaction, cells in the lung wall trying to prevent the TB bacteria through mechanisms alamianya forming scar tissue. As a result, the TB bacteria will stay / rest (dormant) as they appear as tubercles on X-ray examination or x-ray photo.

A person with the condition of the immune system (Immune) is good, these tubercles form will remain dormant throughout his life. Another thing for people who have low body kekebelan system or less, it will experience the proliferation of bacteria that multiply tubercles. So many of these tubercles are assembled to form a space within the lung cavity, this space will become a source of sputum production (ripple / phlegm). So the people who produce sputum and lung cavity found tuberculosis microbe called tubercles and is experiencing positive growth infected with TB.

The development of TB disease in Indonesia is nothing related to the deteriorating socio-economic conditions, ineffective public health service facilities, the increasing number of people who do not have a place to live and an epidemic of HIV infection. This also would have a major impact from a weak immune system / decrease, virulence and the number of bacteria that play an important role in the occurrence of TB infection.

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