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Sport and Breast Cancer Risk

Posted by All Info Saturday, April 25, 2009

Regular athletics of vital importance for body healthy, prevents and maintains body from various disease starts from finite osteoporosis of heart sickness. But, on the happening of breast cancer, the health area experts has not agreed on does really athletics can lessen or reduces risk to grow it breast cancer. Study or research at this topic express agreeing and disagree, but newest research assists gives picture why? By considering all types and bosom cancer type as one single disease and by uniting activity physical of at all of point during a woman is life, the researcher experiences losing of important relationship between both the factors.

The hygienists is known that not all the same bosom cancers. For example, some breast cancers will grow is quicker in response existence of hormones happened naturally in body, like estrogen and progesterone, and conceived of positive receptor estrogen breast cancer (ER+) and/or positive receptor progesterone breast cancer (PR+). Breast cancer that is not response to the hormones called as negativity receptor estrogen cancer (ER-) and/or progesterone negativity receptor (PR-). The difference is important thing because the difference assists the researchers to comprehend why in itself a woman grows breast cancers, the difference also assists the medical doctors in giving best therapy at every bosom cancer type.

The researchers from Germany has checked a number of 3414 women menopause has (post menopausal) with breast cancer as a group case and a number of 6569 women without breast cancer as a group controls to determine how activity physical of when different at a woman influences their risk to bosom cancer types. They asked about activity physical of recreation and non recreation (including work and household activity) between ages 39 and 49 and after they are having age 50 years. The researchers finds that, at woman noted with level of activity physical of highest recreation (athletics) after age 50 years is concluded able to lessen risk to grow it breast cancer post menopausal around 29%, cancer ER+/PR+, where this cancer type is cancer that is very often happened and growth compared to woman with at least physical activity after age 50 years. Any is physical activity type, recreation and or no, between ages 30 and 49 years is not seen existence of influence at breast cancer risks postmenopausal. For bosom cancer type besides ER+/PR+, activity physical of regularly doesn't reduce risk both.

At this study or research, group of with highest physical activity does it around 25 hours activity runs with medium speed every day. This possibly seen a lot of time applied for having athletics, but fortunately, like does or how woman is having activity not seen means. Time 25 hours runs the only solely for purpose of comparison. The researchers simply sums up all recreation activities, is containing intention that you are not necessarily did daily activity of you during 25 hours in a time. An example, light physical activity, simple, like easy going street, gardened, or fiddled around with you children and didn't fetch up all standing at time amounts . The researchers also notes a trend or tendency of lowering of insidensi or case number of breast cancer attributed to the increasing of athletics activity amounts done, this thing explains to us that any is athletics done by that better than not having athletic at all. To get maximum advantage, tries for having athletic as many as possible and ready to do it is every day (if possibly), fatigue doesn't.


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