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Gastric Disease as Alimentary Canal Problem

Posted by All Info Tuesday, June 02, 2009 0 comments

Stomach is part of alimentary canal which can bloom at most, which located in area epigastric and partly on the left areas hypochondria and umbilical. Gastric consisted of top so-called fundus, central leader, and underside which horizontal, that is antrum pilorik. At the time of food steps into stomach, gastric formed circles concentric at corpus and fundus gastrikus. Nearest located newest food with oesophagus hole and food that is at longest located close to stomach wall.

Gland in gastric mucosa layer releases dilution of important digestant, that is gastric juice. This rubber in the form of dilution of transparent acid do not having color, is containing 0,4% acid chloride (HCI), what acidifies all foods and works as antiseptic matter and des-infectant, yields organism, and gives protein. In this gastric juice there are some digestant enzymes.

Function of stomach is three, that is:
(1) Saving food so can be accommodated in gross at underside canal digestion.
(2) Mingles food with gastric juice so forms mixture semi solid named by kimus.
(3) Serves out slow from stomach to step into small intestine with speed appropriate for digestion and imbibition of small intestine.

Gastritis disease, or often is called as disease maag, often is resulted not regular mealtime and type and quality of unfavorable food. Chafes at gastric wall in the form of irritation or infection walls stomach to become squeezing, swelling, bloody, and grated. Irritation cause at this stomach inter alia: alcohol, drugs like aspirin in high dose, caffeine, corticosteroid, anti metabolite, butazolidin, and indocin.

Chafes chronic stomach wall possibility that because of the return of other bile and acid into stomach, bacterium, kidney ailment, infection, anemia, diabetes, and some something else is irritation. Symptoms posed at if(when someone suffers from gastritis is: stomach uncomfortably, vomit, blood vomit, nauseas, stomach cramps, indigesti, appetite declines, and others. That need to be done to overcome this disease is besides consulting, pays attention to food and having athletic appropriate. Avoids hot food and food material containing aspirin. Eats soft food, with number of which a few but repeatedly.

Justify Full
The disease that is often called as this diabetic is having beginning of from lack of insulin yielded by group of beta cell at pancreas. Insulin undertakes arranges usage of sugar in body, including arranging number of sugars at heart to yield energy. If pancreas only can yield a few insulin, irreversible glucose becomes energy because piled up in blood. Sugar hoard in this blood filtered by kidney and disappears from body with urine. Function of very strategic sugar because sugar is the only supplier of energy for brain. Without glucose in the blood, man will die. There are some kinds of diabetes mellitus that is:

(1) Dependent insulin of diabetes (Type I), that is the breakdown beta cells at pancreas because virus infection. This type usually declines and suffered the patient since childhood.
(2) Dependent Non-insulin of diabetes (Type II), that is type diabe­tes where intact pancreas beta cells, but doesn't yield insulin in number which enough. Insulin that is a few is not as soon as possible poured into in blood circulation. Diabetes can be overcome by improve correct food menu, having athletics, and consumes insulin tablet.
From both above types, symptoms experienced by patient generally same, that is often urinates especially nocturnal, often thirsty, quickly peckish, body weight declines drastic, easy to be tired sleepy and, arises old hurt recovered, muscle pain in bone, pruritis at exterior genitals, lowering of enthusiasm in sex, and dull eyesight. Woman delivering birth the baby weighing to exceed 4 kg, need to take heed possibility that herself suffered diabetic.

Process Incidence Diabetes Disease

Metabolism of carbohydrate annoyed as result of annoyed it insulin produced by pancreas. Insulin deficiencies causes not all glucoses can turned into glycogen. This means most of glucose coming from food still stay in this blood(this condition called as hyperglicemia)yang push excess dismissal of the glucose out body through urine. This causes the happening of glycosuria, that is existence of glucose in urine. With at least glucoses which can be turned into glycogen, to fulfill muscle energy there will be distorting process of liver glycogen becomes glucose through process so-called gluconeo genesis. So, height of glucose rate in blood comes from two sources, that is:

(1) Lowering of ability of body changes glucose to become glycogen.
(2) The happening of gluconeo genesis process at heart causing the forming of glucose, which then comes into blood circulation.

Most of glucose cannot be taken by body and thrown through urine. This thing results taking of body fat called as lipholysis and protein called as proteolysis to be made energy source. Usage of fatty acid as energy source will result the forming of chetone body which consist of acetoacetic acid and hydroxy beta acid butirat and acetone. Lack of insulin is in body results number of ketone bodies heaped in blood to exceed ability of body to break it. Patient will suffer poisoned of ketone body so-called ketoacidosis which can cause comma and death. Ketoacidosis marked with incidence of nausea taste, vomit, and awareness declines. However, far before that actually there are classic marking of 3P, that is polydipsia (many drinking), polifagia (many eating), and polyuria (many urines), and lowering of body weight in strikes. To throw away ketone body excess, kidney requires more dilution. For the purpose will pulled dilution from cell, what results the happening of dehydration celluler which can result death.

Besides having the character of hereditary, obesity also often is one of disease cause diabetes. tightly Diabetes of the bearing with function of heart. At patient man diabetes, heart attack has risk two until thrice bigger. While patient woman diabetes has heart attack has risk five to six times more than a man. Patient diabetes which the diet is in control carefully has lower heart attack opportunity than patients diabetes which the blood sugar not in control.

Food for Patient Diabetes

The patients diabetes is suggested to limits number of daily carbohydrate inputs. Food-stuff suggested to be consumed patient diabetes inter alia: sea grass, brown rice, gourd (yellows gourd), carrot, mushroom hioko, potato juice, parsnip, and soup. Good fruits is consumed is low calorie fruits, like: cucumber, fruit of fresh pear, fruit of fresh peach, and melon. Patient diabetes must limit food-stuff which can trigger the rising sugar rate in blood, like: peppermint, biscuit, bread, flour, candy, jam, potato, drought fruits, flesh gravy, currant, butter, cheese, cacao, liver fries, mayonnaise, heavy cream, olive, pancake, light beverage, liquor, pudding, grape, wine, date, doughnut, multifarious of flaky, and flesh.

Migraine there are since 2000 years ago. Famous people known suffers migraine, there are: Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, Calvin, and Pascal.

Term migraine applied for a requiring physical phenomena pattern, especially relating to and bothering headache changes is vein. Migraine comes from Greek hemicrania, is meaning headache by one sides, although migraine is not only groans one sides. On the contrary, do not mean all headaches one sides happened as result of migraine, because migraine is not because of headache only. Symptom migraine varies. Symptom neurologic might possibly to happened before attack migraine. Migraine can come abrupt without because, then loses on the spur of the moment. Primary factor cause of migraine is stress, because vein in around brain experiences vasoconstriction (minimizes), caught up with vasodilatation (dispersion) far more widely than normal measures initially. Estimated that activity of other vein from this the usual become attack cause migraine. At ordinary migraine, hard headache and about one sides is often bursts upon symptoms before all.
Around 95% patient migraine grips nausea symptom, which felt when attack or possible also when pain in leading reach the top weighing. Some of feeling that its(the appetite decreases and excitement vomit, which more bothering from itself headache. At the time of super vomit, patient cannot drink at all causing can happened light dehydration. This symptom will pursue stomach in doing the duty permeating something, finite of paregoric drug drink not effective cures headache, because the drug doesn't come into patient body. At the truth, this migraine there is at young people. Migraine which is the symptom like pulsation which is make repeating booming noise usually happened as result of vein factor. There is two disparities causing incidence of headache, that is: muscle contraction headache (tension headache) and migraine. Someone who patient headache, undetected headache pain cause, shall take counsel with medical doctor. Headache symptom usually is sign ugly at the time of attack migraine, is earning appear at part of what particular head. Head felt weight and there are trouble a few or paint tastes or sleepy.

There are some type migraine:
(1) Ordinary Migraine. Be migraine which at most patient. Most this ordinary migraine attack takes place during one day or less, and very rare happened more than 3 day.
(2) Classic Migraine. Similar to ordinary migraine, only migraine this classic started with symptom neurologic. This classic migraine attack generally briefer, and groans patient rarer is compared to ordinary migraine. Some subtype all important classic migraine for example migraine vertebno-basiter, migraine hemiplegik, migraine optalmoplegik, and migraine retinal.
(3) Migraine equivalent. Be disease often is met. But very common met at children which often suffers migraine stomach.
(4) Migraine at children. Usually is migraine which is common, what marked with existence of requiring stomachache attack relating to migraine. Stomachache happened often heavy and facial finite tama become appetite decreases, nausea, and vomit.

In giving diagnosis, usually medical doctor will do approach beforehand by doing question and answer about disease symptom, investigates patient with looking for disparity, and does inspection of laboratory, if it is required, and does specific therapy. Way that is most precise for anticipates this migraine disease is by doing record-keeping and sees the pattern. Usual inspection is done by other, example: blood test, inspection of eye, inspection of brain, inspection of radiologic neck, function of lumbal, and inspection of radiologic sine (cavity around nose):

If attack migraine happened, first of all is done is try knows the cause. Log day and when happened headache, what done last before the attack comes, and has have been eaten. In this case avoids temperature difference that is keen and drinks aspirin to lessen pain in bone taste, but, takes a care in using it. By doing smooth massage and massage at head frontage, pain in bone taste and pulsation in head will decrease. Compress with cool water can also helps. Learning acts relax, and does meditation and prayer. Sits and lies down with calm mind will assist overcomes it. Sleep also of vital importance in healing migraine.

More than calcium packed into food recipe to strengthen bone, correct athletics and according to required as complement to form and maintains bone strength. A research publicized in journal so called Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research finds that between running, cycles, and burden practice, runs is best in increasing bone mass at men. While most people possibly depicts image a woman when they think of osteoporosis, though this disease also influences or happened at man. Though risk at man possibility that its is smaller to suffer osteoporosis than women, man tends to costlier expense of the treatment after experiencing osteoporosis relating to bone break than osteoporosis happened at woman. Many risk factors becoming because growing it irreversible osteoporosis, like descendant factor, race, and form of body (thin, skeletal and form of slimmer body has higher level risk). Some other osteoporosis risk factors can be changed, like alcohol amounts consumed (better slimmer), smoking habit or no. In addition gets enough vitamins D and calcium, having athletics regular every day is prevention key factor of osteoporosis.

The age mans between 19 and 45 years has been given treatment with at least 7 hour with cycles, runs, or burden practice per week during two last years. Blood marking from healthy bone and scan and observation at bone done to determine density of bone they and assess forming of bone in their body. Endurance practice and runs both increasing bone mass at man compared to cycles, by running points condensation for effects that is most positive at bone density. "From an practical in perfective, result from research done by that moment to support athletic fomentation from endurance athletics from the aspect of burden practice approach, activity involving jumping, and burden practice where target of practice is all group of main muscles utilized keeping of bone mass," like cycling, swims, or raw, better be suggested to add activity strengthening bone like burden practice.

Diet eats correct for health and strength of your bones.
Consumption of good nutrition assists bone is formed truly and remain to be healthy during the life. Using tips following when eating bone health usage:
1. Limits consumption of caffeine. Chooses the drinking which is low or free of caffeine is to prevent dissolving it or loss of calcium from bone.
2. Substitution product Calcium. Milk is not the only source getting calcium to. Tries to add some foods as source of extra from calcium like Bok Choy, almonds (Almonds is animal non-food which rich of calcium), tofu or knew to boost up intake calcium apart from milk.
3. Tries some fresh lemons or juice at your food menu, useful this in stopping losing of more bone calcium.
4. Assists with vitamin D absorb usage of calcium. At least 10 minutes, 3 times within a week from some of our organs hit by presentation of morning sunshine can increase input of vitamin D into body. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests and prefers usage of supplement of vitamin D than presentation of sunshine to boost up vitamin rate D, partly for avoiding the increasing of skin cancer risk which is not necessarily.

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