Stomach is part of alimentary canal which can bloom at most, which located in area epigastric and partly on the left areas hypochondria and umbilical. Gastric consisted of top so-called fundus, central leader, and underside which horizontal, that is antrum pilorik. At the time of food steps into stomach, gastric formed circles concentric at corpus and fundus gastrikus. Nearest located newest food with oesophagus hole and food that is at longest located close to stomach wall.
Gland in gastric mucosa layer releases dilution of important digestant, that is gastric juice. This rubber in the form of dilution of transparent acid do not having color, is containing 0,4% acid chloride (HCI), what acidifies all foods and works as antiseptic matter and des-infectant, yields organism, and gives protein. In this gastric juice there are some digestant enzymes.
Function of stomach is three, that is:
(1) Saving food so can be accommodated in gross at underside canal digestion.
(2) Mingles food with gastric juice so forms mixture semi solid named by kimus.
(3) Serves out slow from stomach to step into small intestine with speed appropriate for digestion and imbibition of small intestine.
Gastritis disease, or often is called as disease maag, often is resulted not regular mealtime and type and quality of unfavorable food. Chafes at gastric wall in the form of irritation or infection walls stomach to become squeezing, swelling, bloody, and grated. Irritation cause at this stomach inter alia: alcohol, drugs like aspirin in high dose, caffeine, corticosteroid, anti metabolite, butazolidin, and indocin.
Chafes chronic stomach wall possibility that because of the return of other bile and acid into stomach, bacterium, kidney ailment, infection, anemia, diabetes, and some something else is irritation. Symptoms posed at if(when someone suffers from gastritis is: stomach uncomfortably, vomit, blood vomit, nauseas, stomach cramps, indigesti, appetite declines, and others. That need to be done to overcome this disease is besides consulting, pays attention to food and having athletic appropriate. Avoids hot food and food material containing aspirin. Eats soft food, with number of which a few but repeatedly.