There are lots of different diets, diet pills and other weight loss products on the market which can help you to lose weight. But not all of these weight loss products will help you to maintain your weight loss. And not all will help you to lose weight in a healthy way.
· In the opinion of 99 percent of nutritionists, including myself, the only effective way to lose weight is to reduce calories-in and increase calories-out.
· Furthermore, anyone who wants to lose weight should avoid any very-low-calorie diet plans or any other artificial type of fad diet. Not only are such diet plans often lacking in diet nutrition, but also they don't help us to adopt good eating habits which is an essential part of successful weight loss.
· Lastly, anyone who wants to lose weight and maintain their weight loss should take regular daily exercise, lasting 20-45 minutes depending on their health, fitness and overall commitment to lose weight.