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Bosom Cancer

Posted by All Info Monday, April 06, 2009

Bosom cancer is the main causes death at woman as result of cancer. Every year, in United States 44,000 patients dies because this disease while in Europe more than 165,000. After experiencing treatment, around 50%pasien experiences final stadium bosom cancer and only living on 18 - 30 months. According to WHO 8-9% woman will experience bosom cancer. This makes bosom cancer as cancer type which at most met at woman. Every year more than 250,000 new cases of bosom cancer diagnose in Europe and more or less 175,000 in United States. Still according to WHO, the year 2000 estimated by 1, 2 million women is diagnosed by bosom cancer and more than 700,000 dying hence. Has not there are accurate statistical in Indonesia, but data collected from home ill indicates that bosom cancer to occupy first ranking between other cancer at woman.

Causative and Risk Factor of Bosom Cancer

The absolute cause of unknown bosom cancer. Nevertheless, research identifies a number of factors which can increase risk at certain individual, what covers:

1. Family having similar disease history

2. Age that is more and more increases

3. Doesn't have child

4. First pregnancy at the age of above 30 years

5. Period menstruates longer (menstruates is first earlier or farther out menopause)

6. Factor hormonal (either estrogen and also androgen).

From above mentioned risk factor, family history and age becomes primal factor. Family history which was experienced bosom cancer to increase risk to grow it this disease. The researchers also finds that damage two genes that is BRCA1 and BRCA2 can increase woman risk is hit by cancer until 85%. Piquancy, genetic factor only affect 5-10% from the happening of bosom cancer and this indicates that other risk factor plays role important. The importance of age factor is as risk factors strengthen by data that 78% bosom cancer happened at patient having age more than 50 years and only 6% at patient that is less than 40 years. Average of age at the time of finding of cancer is 64 years. Study also evaluates role of life style factor in development of bosom cancer covering pesticide, consumption of alcohol, fatness, consumption fat and lack of processing physical.

Diagnosis and Screening

A number of studies show that detection of bosom cancer and therapy early can increase a spark of life and gives more therapy choice at patient. Estimated 95% woman diagnosed at bosom cancer early stage can live on more than five years after diagnosis so that many recommending medical doctors that women to experience ‘realizes' (investigates bosom itself - when menstruating) in house routinely and suggests doing of inspection of annual routine to detect bump at bosom. In general, bosom cancer detected by patient itself and usually is small and hard bump. At many this painless bump cases, but some women experiences cancer generating pain taste.

Besides physical test, biannual or annual mamograf and special USG of bosom suggested to detect existence of disparity at high old age woman and risk woman of bosom cancer, before happened cancer. If bump groped can or disparity is detected by when mamograf, biopsy need to be done to get example of network to be done test under microscope and checks possibility that existence of tumor. If it is diagnosed cancer, hence need to be done with refer to test like hormone receptor status at network hit. New test type figured in also gene test HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor-2) for tumor. This gene relates to growth of aggressive cancer cell. Patient is told by HER2-POSITIF if at tumor is found HER2 in gross. Cancer with HER2-POSITIF known as aggressive forms from bosom cancer and has journey estimate of worse disease than patients with HER2-NEGATIF. Estimated one of four to five patients with final phase bosom cancer has HER2-POSITIF.


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