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Explain About Kidney

Posted by All Info Friday, April 03, 2009

Kidney is excretion organ in vertebrata which is in the form of looking like bean. As part of urine system, functioning kidney filters dirt (especially urea) from blood and throws away it together with water in the form of urine. Branch from medical studying kidney and the disease called as nefrologi.

Man has a couple of kidney which located in stomach back or abdomen. This kidney located in right and left of backbone, under liver and spleen. On the top (superior) kidney there is adrenal gland (also is called as gland suprarenal).

Kidney haves the character of retroperitoneal, is meaning located in peritoneum back arranging in layers abdomen cavity. Both kidneys located in around finite T12 vertebra of L3. Right kidney usually located a little below left kidney to give place for liver. Some of kidney top protected by eleventh pleural rib and twelve. Both kidneys wrapped by two fatty tissues (fat perirenal and fat pararenal) what assists damps convulsion.

At adult, every kidney has footage around 11 cm and thickness of 5 cm weighing around 150 grams. Kidney has form like bean with hollowing facing into. In every kidney there is aperture so-called hilus connecting renal artery, renal vein, and uretra.

Kidney arranges hydrogen ion exponent, concentration of mineral ion, and composition of water in blood.

Kidney maintains blood plasma hydrogen ion exponent to the range of 7,4 through ion exchange hidronium and hydroxyl. As a result, urine yielded able to have the character of acid at hydrogen ion exponent 5 or alkalis at hydrogen ion exponent 8. Sodium ion rate is controlled through a homeostasis process entangling aldosterone to increase absorbtion of sodium ion at convulation tubulus.

Increase or pressure drop of osmotic blood because excess or lacking of water would soon detected by hypothalamus which will give signal at pituitary gland with negative feedback. secretion pituitary gland of Hormone anti diuretic (vasopressin, to depress secretion of water) so that happened change of level of the absorbs of water at kidney tubulus. As a result concentration of dilution of network will return to to become 98%.


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