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Cancer Disease

Posted by All Info Friday, April 03, 2009

Cancer is bisection and growth of cell abnormally which cannot be controlled, causing becomes contagiously. This cells destroys and bothers function of body organ hit. Cancer is also conceived of neoplasm maligna. Neoplasm mean network mass formed by cancer cells, while maligna has meaning of malignant. Cancer cause had not been known with fix, but often is related to environmental problem and food containing carsenogen. Carsenogenesis or development of cancer happened in 2 phase, namely initiation step and promotion.

Initiation step is beginning of the happening of change of cell which caused by interaction from area (chemicals, radiation, and virus) with DNA in cell. This change happened swiftly but cell which has changed is inactive during which cannot be determined. So, at this phase insensitive patient processed the happening of disease. While promotion phase be active the cancer cells becoming matured, grows, and then disseminates swiftly. Finite initiation step of manivestation clinic can happened during 5 - 20 years.

Although the mechanism has not been known categorically, but nutrient is anticipated able to change process carsenogenesis, including metabolism carsenogenesis, cell resilience, cell differentiation and tumor growth. On the contrary, condition of nutrition patient influenced by growth of medical tumor and therapy given, like surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and transplantation. On that account, required understanding about the way disease and gives diet therapy.


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