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Heart Sickness Diet

Posted by All Info Friday, April 03, 2009

Heart sickness happened as result of process is having continuation, where heart slowly losing of ability to do function normally. In the early of disease, solvent heart of compensation inexistence of the function efficiency and maintains circulation of normal blood passed magnification and improvement of pulse. in condition of is not compensation (the compensation of cordyse), circulation of blood that is below par causes out of breath (dyspenca), feels run down and pain taste is cardiac region. The lessen of blood stream can cause disparity at kidney function, liver, brain, and blood pressure, is causing the happening of re-sorbtion sodium. This thing is causing oedema.

Heart sickness will become acute if it is accompanied infection (endocarditif or carditif), heart-failure, after myocard insarct and after operation of heart. Purpose of heart sickness diet is give food sufficiently without weighing against heart activity, reduced body weight if too fat, prevents or eliminates accumulation of salt or water.

Heart sickness diet conditions is by having enough energy, to reach and maintains normal body weight. Protein that is enough is 0,8 gram/kg BB. Medium fat namely 25 until 30% from requirement of total energy, 10% comes from saturated fat and 10 - 15% comes from fat is not saturate. Low cholesterol and vitamin and mineral that is enough and avoided usage of supplement potassium, calcium and magnesium otherwise is required. Low salt is between 2 - 3 gram per day if it is accompanied hyperthension or edema. Food easy to digest and doesn't generate gas. Enough fiber to avoid constitation, dilution enough approximates 2 liter in one day. The form of food is adapted for condition of disease and given in small portion. If requirement of nutrition cannot be fulfilled through food, we can give addition in the form of enteral food, parenteral or supplement gizi.


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