Cervix cancer or cervix uteri cancer is one of cancer that is very often groans woman in the world. WHO estimates death as result of cervix uteri cancer will increase finite of 25% by next 10 years. In the year 2005 there is more than 500000 new cases of cervix cancer and more than 90%] there is in developing countries. Case number and woman death rate as result of cervix uteri cancer enough heights and estimated to be increasing.
Cervix uteri cancer is cancer happened at woman reproductive organ. This Disease happened at woman which age reproduktif between 20 - 30 years. HPV (HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS) be virus causing this cervix uteri cancer. Although this disease is ferocity disease which can cause death, but awareness to investigate x'self felt to be very low, this thing is not quit of lack of knowledge about this cancer. The indication is more than 70% patient coming to Hospital have been at continuation condition. One of way of prevention of cervix uteri cancer that is most effective is by the way of detecting existence of HPV early possibly. If coming late detected by hence the virus will change form of cell cell is around by cervix uteri and will grow to cancer phase which is difficult is cured. There are some way to do detection early cervix uteri cancer, between it is Tes Pap (Pap smear) and test HPV. This pap test is inspection of cytology with level of middle sensitivity (good enough), while for test HPV for existence of type HPV type high risk and low risk. This seminar is striving recognition of cervix uteri neoplastic disease, detection early and its(the prevention. Recognition to the anti HPV cancer and vaccine type also is expected able to increase women health status.