Singe is damage or losing of network caused by contact with source of temperature like fire, temperature water, chemicals, electrics, and radiation.
Because of energy transfer from source of temperature to body through conduction or radiation electromagnetic. Based on the journey singe disease is divided to to become 3 phase, that is :
1. Acute phase
At this phase the problem centre around breath channel trouble caused by injuring inhalation and circulation trouble. At this phase happened balance trouble of circulation of dilution and electrolyte as result of injuring thermal to have the character of systematical.
2. Acute sub phase
This phase takes place after shock to end. Gape cut as result of network damage (skin and network under it) generates inflammation problem, sepsis and evaporation of body fluids is accompanied by energy.
3. Continuation phase
This phase takes place after happened closing of hurt until happened maturation. Problem at this phase is incidence of penyulit from singe in the form of scar hyperthrofic, contracture, and other deformity.
Singe results improvement of venous permebility so that water, chloride and body protein will go out from within cell and causes edema which can continue in the situation hipovolemia and hemoconsentrate. Burn shock (shock Hipovolemik ) be komplikasi which often happened, systematical manisfestasi of body for this condition is:
1. Response kardiovaskuiler
Transfer of dilution from intravaskuler to ekstravaskuler melelui capillary leakage results losing of Na, water and Plasma protein and network oedema followed with degradation of cardiac output Hemokonsentrasi red blood cell, degradation of perfusi to major organ of oedema totally.
2. Response Renalis
With lowering of volume intra vaskuler hence stream to kidney and GFR declines results output of urine declines and can cause renal failure
3. Response Gastro Intestinal
Common response at singe > 20 % is degradation of gastrointestinal activity. This thing because of combination of response effect hipovolemic and neurologic and endocrine response to existence of requires wide. Installation of NGT prevents the happening of distention by abdomen, vomit and aspiration.
4. Response Imonologi
Some of mechanic bases, skin as defense mechanism from entering organism. The happening of skin integrity trouble will enable micro organism admission to be hurt.