Diabetes mellitus (DM) be disease metabolic which most hereditary, with marking hyperguchemia and glucosuria, accompanied with or inexistence of acute clinic symptom and or kronik, in consequence of decrease the effective insulin in body, primary trouble lays in metabolism of usual carbohydrate is accompanied also metabolism trouble of fat and protein. Gangren is process or situation marked with existence of dead network or necrosis, but in microbiology is processing necrosis which caused by infection. Foot/Feet Gangren Diabetics hurt at blackish red foot/feet and stinks cork effect happened in big or medium vein in heel.
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus has heterogeneous etiology, where various lesions can cause insulin insufficiency, but genetic determinant usually plays a part is important at Diabetes mellitus majority. Other factor considered to be possibility that Deutschmark etiology that is :
1. Disparity of pancreas beta cell, shifts from loss of beta cell until failure of beta cell releases insulin.
2. Area factors changing function of beta cell, for example agent which can generate infection, diet where inclusion of carbohydrate and sugar processed too much, obesity and pregnancy.
3. Immunity system trouble. This system can be done by auto immunity what accompanied forming of anti pankreatic antibody cells and results damage cell - cell secretion insulin, then improvement of sensitivity of beta cell by virus.
4. Insulin disparity. At obesity patient, happened sensitivity trouble of network to insulin as result of lack of insulin receptor found on cell membrane which responsir to insulin.