Anemia is a situation where body experiences lacking of red blood count in circulation of blood. Or happened lacking of HB rate in set of blood volume. Normal blood count ± 5 million red blood cells per mm3 blood. In general people tyed anemia if red blood cell <>
Red blood cell trouble
Red blood cell trouble which blood count declines will generate anaemia (cell erythocyt declines, HB total declines). Degradation of number of this caused nutrient Fe in body hardly less and breakdown bone marrow, losing of red blood cell which because :
1. Acute ( bears, accident), chronic ( hemoloid, Calcium Cx and others, worm).
2. Damage red blood cell or breakdown because toxin, snake venom, bacterium, high temperature pressure, trauma, transfuse blood, descendant erythrosyt
Kinds Of the Anemia and classification
Many ways to classify anemia for example can be evaluated from factor the benyeban, form of the erythrocyte, breed and others like:
Anemia according to because its :
a. Because forming of erythrocyte decreases, because its; lacking of nutrient, damage of back bone marrow.
b. Because haemorrhage. Acute; bears, miscarriage, accident. Chronic; because hookworm disease (ankylostomiosis), hemorrhoid (ambeien), haemorrhage because kankar cervix and others.
c. Hemolyse increases (anaemia hemolytica) "Because body from outside as of case toxin, snake venom, bacteria, temperature, etc.