Coroner Heart Sickness is more heart sickness happened compared to other heart sickness type. Seen to be not only one causing coroner heart sickness or at least we have not found it. But medical research of showing that a group of factor can cause to get coroner heart sickness and this called as risk factors.
There are some factors is ice. Risk factors for heart sickness is divided to become two parts, that is earning we are modification and which we cannot modify. More the risk factors so bigger possibility that its gets coroner heart sickness (CHD) and the risk collapsible duplicated together.
Not all risk factors is same. Some, like smoking, can have effect far bigger to you to get CHD. So, for example, a smoker with level of high cholesterol and high blood pressure had higher level risk compared to someone which only had only one of third of the factor.
However, if someone only had level of just high cholesterol and didn't have other risk factor hence the risk only increasing rather just are to mean. So this is not necessarily be worry and medical doctor can give person advice to this case.
By increasing our age length, hence heart sickness like other disease become more public. In half British state from heart attack happened at people with age to 65 years and increasing case numbers along with increasing age stripper from people now. What amazes from coroner heart sickness (CHD) is under age 55 years, more CHD happened at man from at woman. This because of before woman menopause rarer gets heart attack. After menopause, CHD becomes more commonly so that patient number between woman would step by step comes near man patient number, and to age 75 years the number would same.
Correct cause why covert woman from CHD before unknown menopause categorically, but possibility that there is the relationship with hormone losing after menstruating desists. Now so much woman doing hormone substitution therapy (HRT, Hormone Replacement Therapy) and there is evidence that this can secure against heart attack and many medical doctors suggests it.
If there is other factor, medical doctor will consider family factor if one or some of member of families (old fellow, sister is having sister or brother) suffers CHD. If your father suffers heart attack under age 60 years or your mother suffers it under age 65, hence this will increase you risk to gets CHD. Of course if your old fellow lived up to old age where heart attack is public, hence this is not necessarily apprehends you.
How the CHD grows in family? Some of the explanation located in Gen endowed from old fellow making us is more susceptibly got high cholesterol or high blood or diabetes. Partly other happened effect of life of family having the same life style - they ate the same food and if smoking old fellow often the children is also smoking.
If heart sickness circulated in family, you suggested for often investigates itself to medical doctor to ascertain so that you doesn't develop level of high cholesterol, high blood or other problem of which can be taken care of lessen you risk.