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Sinusitis diseases

Posted by All Info Friday, April 24, 2009

Sinusitis is inflammation happened at sine cavity. Sinusitis many found at patient hay fever, because at this patient happened chronic head cold effect of allergy to dirt and interest gist. Sinusitis also can be because of chemicals found on nose sprayer and other chemicals entering through nose. Didn't be forgotten if sinusitis also able to be because of virus infection or bacterium.

Sine or often also is called as with sine para nasalis is air chamber found on part of solid of skull bone around face, functioning to lighten skull bone. This cavity amounts to four left tides and right. Sine frontal located in part of forehead, while sine maksilaris located in cheek back. Mean while, sine sphenoid and rather deeper located ethmoid sine rear eye socket and rear sine maxsiliaric. Sine wall especially formed by dilution producer cell of nucus. Inlet air into sine through a puncture connecting between sine cavities with nasal cavity so-called with ostia. If along of a because this blocked hole hence air cannot go out admission and dilution of nucus produced in sine cannot be released.

Sinusitis can happened if there is jetting trouble of air from and to sine cavity and existence of expenditure trouble of dilution of nucus. Existence of fever, flu, allergic and irritation material can cause the happening of swelling at ostia so that this drainage hole becomes is blocked and bothers sine air current and expenditure of dilution of nucus. Causative differ from blocked of ostia is tumor and trauma. dilution drainage of Exit nucus from sine cavity also able to be pursued by coagulation of dilution of itself nucus. This coagulation happened as result of anti histamine drug administration, disease fibro kistik and other. Nucus producer cell has smooth hair (cilia) the always makes a move to push dilution of exit nucus from sine cavity. Smoke of cigarette is the cause of its(the breakdown this smooth hair so that expenditure of dilution of nucus becomes annoyed. dilution of Nucus accumulate in sine cavity within old is balmy place for living it bacterium, viral and mushroom.


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