Sinusitis can types become two big types that is based on the duration disease (acute, sub-acute, chronic) and based on inflammation type happened (infection and non infection). Called as acute sinusitis if(when the duration disease less than 30 days. Sinusitis sub-acute if the duration disease between 1 month of until 3 month, while sinusitis chronic if disease is suffered more than 3 month. Sinusitis infection usually is because of virus although at some there is also cases because of bacterium. While sinusitis non infection most of because of by allergic and irritation of chemicals. Sinusitis sub-acute and chronic often is continuation from sinusitis acute that is is not gets therapy.
Symptom sinusitis which most commonly is headache, pain in bone at face area, and fever. Almost 25% from patient sinusitis will experience fever relating to sinusitis suffered. Other symptom is pale face, discoloration at mucus, nose stufves up, pain in bone swallows, and coughs. Some patients will feel headache to increase excitement if head is bow forwards. At sinusitis because allergy hence patient also will experience other related symptom with its(the allergy like itching at eye, and sneeze sneeze.
For sinusitis which is caused by because virus hence is not required anti biotic gift. Drug that is usually given for sinusitis virus is void pain in bone taste like parasetamol and decongestant. Suspicious already happened sinusitis infection by bacterium if(when there is pain in bone symptom at face, festering mucus, and arising symptom more than one week. Sinusitis infection of bacterium generally is dosed with applies anti biotic. anti Biotic election based on bacterium type that is very often groans sine because to get anti biotic of which really according to having to bes awaiting result from breeder of germ eating stripper time. Five bacterium types that is very often infection of sine is Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes. anti Biotic selected must can kill fifth of this germ type. Some anti biotic choices for example amoxicillin, cefaclor, azithromycin, and cotrimoxazole. Otherwise there is repair in five days hence need to be allowed for gives amoxicillin acid plus klavulanat. anti Biotic gift suggested to be minimum 10 to 14 days. Giving of decongestant and mukolitik can assist to launch dilution drainage of nucus. At case which khronis, can be considered does dilution drainage of nucus by the way of surgery.