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Tips healthy sleep at the age of continuation

Posted by All Info Monday, April 27, 2009 0 comments

This is a myth that old fellow doesn't require many sleeps. Seven until 8 hour bedtime was number of normal bedtimes for most adult, though there are some people possibly requires sleep at least 5 hour or possible at most till 10 hours. When we step on or old age, based on an national institution of Stroke and neurology problem, in general we require number of the same sleeps like at the time of adult us or during beginning of adulthood.

When sleep pattern happened change, sleep trouble and similar felt weakens, fatigue, weary is not part of becoming normal stripper or old age. Still, some people who is having age to 65 years to report existence of sleep trouble, compared to around 15 % from population of adult. Quality of ugly sleep, earns negative impacting at all of side quality of someone life, becomes because the happening of stress which is dangerous and lowering of attention, concentration and recall.

Problem or sleep trouble possibly can become psychological or medical trouble at someone. Mostly usually happened depression or possible of side effects from therapy given. Consulted with medical doctor if you feel there is change in taking place sleep pattern more than 2 week. Change of the sleep pattern is including sleepless, often is woke up between two lights or too similar morning in morning.

This is some way of healthy and good sleeps;
1. Regular athletics, but not at a few hour prior to sleep.
2. Eats with balance diet, and doesn't eat food too much before sleep.
3. Practical relaxation technique, like breathing in, visualization or meditation in bed.
4. Avoids beverage is having caffeine, nicotine or alcohol in the evening or hour night.
5. Arranged hour bedtime and similar regularly.
6. If you cannot fall asleep in 20 minutes after you are in bed, similar and does something until you to feel run down.
7. Create and keeps a journal or sleep jotter to trace again activity, food and beverage, situation of your emotion or other factors possibly influences how do you can sleep carefully and well-sleep or on the contrary.
8. Maintains balmy temperature in your space or bed (don't too temperature).
9. Avoids reads, speaks or looks on television in bed.
10. Creates safe bed, with key in the door, alarm smoke of, good telephone and illumination or lamp within range of bed.
11. If you snore, avoids sleep at back and lifts head.
12. Gets therapy if there is allergy, head cold or trouble at sine.
13. Similar towards the sun or applies light in morning to reset biological hour of body.
14. Doesn't lie down in bed after similar in morning.

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There is risk at patient when having athletics, however benefit obtained far bigger compared to at risk to which must be taken. With having athletics will influence body in responding to insulin. Regular athletics makes body to react more sensitive or sensitively to insulin, and will make blood sugar rate to become too low or usually is called as with hipoglikemia athletics having taken steps. Possibly is required an inspection of blood sugar rate before and after having athletics and medical doctor will explain how much/many is better if someone blood sugar rate before and after having athletics.

If at inspection of your blood sugar rate are too low or too heights before planning is having athletics, better be awaiting until good blood sugar rate has just planned having athletics. That thing especially important to see blood sugar rate if athletics done really in a state of temperature or cool, change of temperature or body temperature influences absorbtion of insulin by body.

Hypoglikemia usually happened step by step indirectly happened so that having athletic individu need to pay attention to its(the feeling during having athletics. Possibly they will feel feeling of like change in heartbeat, sudden abundant sweat exit, feels trembling, worries, and felt hungry. If happened the feelings, better stop athletics and follows command or advice medical doctor how curing hipogikemia. Medical doctor possibly will suggest to avoid food like sweet or juice to cure hipoglikemia.

Prevention stroke

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All people can do steps in reducing risk is attacked by strokes, good of that do they have ever experienced stroke or has not. Things which can be done to reduce risk is attacked by stroke for example preventive steps and operation of high blood pressure, heart sickness and other chronic disease.

Prevention and operation of high blood pressure.
Hypertension earns easily in investigating. Manage hypertension with changes of life style and if need to pass medical therapy. You can work along with medical doctor to cure hypertension and reducing. Changes life style as healthy diet, activity physical of regular athletics, doesn't smoke, takes care of healthy body weight also can assist you to take care of level of normal blood pressure. All adults better always does inspection of blood pressure regularly.

Prevents and control diabetes.
People with diabetes has higher risk experiences stroke, but they also can do something to lessen the risk. Study and newest research suggests to all people to do steps to lessen risk diabetes. The suggestions between it to reduce body weight and activity physical of regular athletics.

Tells not to tobacco.
Smoking can influence some things related to high blood pressure risk, heart sickness and stroke. Don't smoke is one thing best of is earning you to do to reduce risk is attacked by stroke. Desists smoking to earn also assists to reduce someone risk is attacked by stroke.
Cured if happened Fibrilasi atrium.
Atrium bruising is a not regular pulsation or heart rhythm. Atrium bruising can cause clothing or coagulation which can become cause incidence of stroke.

Prevents and controls height of cholesterol rate in blood.
Height of rate or level of cholesterol in blood is main risk factor the happening of heart sickness, what can increase risk the happening of stroke. Prevention and therapy of high cholesterol for example with diet eats low of saturated fat and high cholesterol and diet of fiber, maintains body weight normal/health, and does practice or activity physical of athletics regularly.

Takes care of healthy body weight.
Status healthy body weight at adult usually is assessed by using body weight and body height to calculate number so-called with "body mass index" (BMI). BMI applied to measure healthy body weight of someone because of BMI relates to number of body fats for most people.

Diabetes complication is the problem health which caused by diabetes. Diabetes is caused by rate or level of higher blood sugar from normal state. Condition of where high blood sugar rate and takes place during old can destroy vein and nervous system. The damages can cause problems in various part of bodies. Complication damage of nerve at usual diabetes called as with diabetic neuropathy making system function in sending messages to brain or to part of other body finds difficulties. If diabetes patient had complication nerve damage, possibly they will feel losing of taste at part of the body or feels irritating pain.

Diabetic Neuropathy very often influences part of leg and foot/feet and possible of patient cannot feel existence of blister or hurt at the foot/feet. Then hurt can become infective and at some cases which is possible serious must be done amputation. Patient with diabetic neuropathy able to run the by foot which has experienced damage of the joint and bone. This thing can generate condition so-called by foot Charcot (Charcot foot) what causes foot/feet to injure and becomes metamorphosing. However most problem like upper to be preventable and avoided. (Charcot is one of associative neuron disease motoric which is progressive). Need to be done inspection every day to patient foot/feet, if in inspection there is existence of swelling, red color and felt temperature soon contacts medical doctor. The symptoms it is possible that is label from Charcot Foot. Better do inspection to medical doctor at least one year once.

Following danger marking of damage of nerve and contacts medical doctor as soon as possible if happened danger marking under this:
* Insensible
* Pain taste that is keen or tickles
* Emerges hurt at foot/feet
* Muscle becomes light
* Hot taste like burning
* Erection inability at man
Retina is part of sensitive eye to [light/ray] and assists someone eyesight. Diabetes or diabetes can destroy and weakens small vein to retina. Damage of this type called as with diabetic retinopathy. At the time of vein weakens, they can release dilution and causes incidence of swelling at eye blur eyesight. If the condition of retinopathy is became more hardly can cause to blindness. Surgery with laser often applied to cure or slows down complication retinopathy, the expecialy if this trouble found earlier. Patient diabetes better do inspection of eye routine once in one years.

Writing on the wall at complication eye;
* Blurry eyesight during more than 2 day.
* Out of a clear sky cannot see with one or both eyes.
* There is black point, cobweb or light focus at eyesight.
* Re dish at eye
* Pain in bone or felt there are pressure at eye.

Diabetes earns also causes damage at vein in kidney causing causes kidney unable to filter garbage to be released. The complication this damage called as with diabetic nephropathy. a patient diabetes with this complication as soon as possible requires action of dialysis or transplantation of kidney. Dialysis be a therapy addressed to release dirt or garbage from usual blood of this function done by kidney. Risk incidence of diabetic nephropathy excelsior would or increased if there are two conditions that is condition of diabetes and high blood pressure concurrently. So is important thing to control both the conditions carefully. Initial label incidence of diabetic nephropathy usually is marked existence of protein in urine or in urine there is protein content (placenta protein). So, better do annual inspection about this condition. Contacts medical doctor and medical doctor will give therapy to take care of and protects kidney from damage.

Patient diabetes has risk larger ones incidence of heart sickness and stroke, risk even bigger for people who suffers diabetes and smoker, has high blood pressure, overweight or body overweight and has family history with heart sickness. Operation of cholesterol rate to come near is normal is also thing recommended at patient diabetes because cholesterol is one of trigger factor incidence of heart sickness and stroke. If patient had level of high cholesterol, contacts medical doctor to get correct therapy, does changes of life style as healthy diet, regular athletics to control cholesterol rate in expectation of normal boundary or comes near normal.

You are a real man amazes, a real extraordinary man. You looks nice in each side and form of body, but the matter is important that you comprehends your own beauty and feels balmy. If you feels that you insufficient healthy, fit, slender, wish to use pocket edition clothes of like the one is your friend wears, or you feels quickly tired and not as healthy as like the one is ordinary is you felt, this is its(the time to reduce you body weight. Following is some tips motivation which can assist you to shred or loses weight you body and ready for dressing super thin you hobby within reason a model.

Doing for yourself! You didn't reduce body weight just because someone thinks too you weight. You don't let thin propaganda to make you to feel bad. Reduces your body weight is to feel better, healthy, to be more excellent from the existing condition.

Searching a friend, whosoever which wish to do it with you. Research of show that you would be likelier reach purpose of you if you talks about the thing (reduces body weight), discuss it with you friends.

Plans does you eat in advance. Tries to eat in, causing consumption or inclusion of your calorie is minimal and would earn you to determine the numbers according to requirement of calorie based on age and activity and athletics which you doing. Tidy of your food at day before, number of calories and doesn't forget providing also healthy snack.

Removes source of calorie from the drinking water. You will not feel that you has eaten many foods, hence you still feel hungry, but inclusion of calorie into your body increases many swiftly. What you know that a glassful orange juice to contain full of sugar and around 180 calories? Of course you doesn't wish the calorie comes into you hip is not?

Implements you plan step by step, easy going and slowly. Degradation of body weight relates to pattern and life style. Degradation of body weight cannot happen instantly only in last night or one day, degradation of body weight there will be slowly kilogram for the shake of body weight kilogram will decline along run of time. So doesn't force yourself starvation study about correct health food diet and athletics. This will make you are not only thin but more energetic, happy and healthy.

Not problem if happen decreasing. So you eat chocolate ice-cream which full of calorie and you feels guilty with you diet plan. Ok, there is no man who is perfect!. Or whether you have done anything truly and precise, but you experience degradation doesn't of body weight one kilograms also within a week. Not problem this thing happened at you!. Follows just of plan and degradation of body weight there will be.

Occasionally to rest. Doesn't take is confused with a purpose to you length. Thought of only about today, does you eat (healthy diet) and athletics planning.

Diabetes and Sport

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Athletics can assist someone in controlling, reduces body weight at a who is the body overweight as well as can assist reducing blood sugar rate. That thing can reduce someone risk from heart attack, an usual condition often happened at people who to have diabetes or diabetes. With athletics also can make feeling and itself to become better and can increase health as a whole. Consulted with medical doctor about athletics type that is better if done and accurate for a patients diabetes. Athletics type which can be done to depend on condition of health of patient individual or health problems any kind of the someone itself.

If patient haves an affair at nerve is area possible foot/feet better do athletics aerobic which is not gives overload at foot/feet area. The athletics for example like swimming, bicycle, raw or athletic with chair. Is not one important things is athletics type done, better do warm-up before starting having athletics and doing refrigeration of athletics having taken steps. As warm-up, does athletics with low intensity like run with duration 5-10 minutes. Then slowly done stretching during 5-10 minutes. Repeats the steps after athletics for the refrigeration.

When patient starts an athletics practice, does athletics slowly, phase for the shake of phase for the shake of safety in having athletics. Gradually improves intensity and duration of athletics done comes up with intensity and athletics stripper suggested. Better did athletics routinely 4-6 times within a week with duration of time 30-60 minutes. Talks with medical doctor to obtain special fomentation about compatible and correct athletics individually.

Insomnia temporary or short term is quality of ugly sleep or unable to sleep and can happened it doesn't matter out of one night in a few weeks. Transient insomnia cans be in the form of single episode insomnia or episode that is repeatedly grouped based on normal sleep period. Following is meaning suggestions assists in overcoming transient insomnia and maximizes in getting healthy night sleep and with quality.

1. Your bed room create as bed of downs. Looks after that the room is always free of dirt, doesn't mat, in disorder and bewilders. Ascertains you to have bed which you are need to sleep. Mattress which is imprecise can result trouble or problem musculoskeleteal (trouble at muscle and bone) and trouble or sleepless.
2. Applies bed just for sleep and activity sexual. Avoid usage of bed or bed for watching a television, eats, works or other activity. If you wish to apply bed to read between two lights, read only my books pleasing in bed.
3. Therapist or curative often applies "reconditioning" as part of insomnia therapy plan. With this method, condition people would correlating bed with sleep. If yourself cannot sleep, releases bed or you bed and move to other of room, so that you only connect bed with sleep and not with situation or condition which cannot sleep.
4. Specifies sleep similar cycle regularly. Your body will learn to arrange internal hour for your schedule and would soon gives response to internal signal of body at the time of sleepy body when which have been scheduled and wake up at time which have been in schedules. A good way to start this thing was by wakes up at the same time every morning, even by the end of week.
5. Nap doesn't. Nap in the evening can make falling asleep is nocturnal even more difficult. Addition of Bedtime by the end of week can also schedules for you sleep are not regular and makes worse you insomnia in the middle of week.
6. Limits number of consumptions caffeine at evening and nighttime. Remember that eating chocolate and drinks chocolate (cocoa) also is caffeine sources.
7. Observes intake alcohol into your body. Don't drink any type alcohol at a few hour just prior to sleep. Too much alcohol amounts can bother sleep pattern and triggers the happening of dissatisfactory sleep. Smoking cigarrets also can make worse insomnia.
8. Spares you time for having athletics, but don't do too heavy athletics at the time of will sleep.
9. Eats nocturnal light food. Eats nocturnal heavy meal or eats just prior to sleep can keep someone wide awake you.
10. Tries to free you mind from chaos, trouble or difficulty thinks and applies relaxation, activity pleasing like reading, listens music or looks on amusing film.

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7 Tips to Take Care of Your Permanent Body of Fit

Posted by All Info Saturday, April 25, 2009 0 comments

Sometimes experiences day as usual can cleanse energy, even they even a most productive. Following is some trick to get again your energy.

1. Maintains your energy remain to high with food is having protein height every three hours. Remembers, mood and energy affects at blood sugar, thus avoids sweetener. Peppermint and sweetener can endanger vital energy of you, better tries:
* Legume
* Egg braises
* Bean jam with Cracker
* Chicken, Flesh. or Knew
2. Breathes. Every one hours, desists from all activities and draws breath which in. Pergi exit or to window and breaths in fresh air from there. Doesn't forget walking along just.
3. Does massaging at point ‘ chi ' at fattest part at your thumb to eliminate headache and makes clear mind. This thing reminds us that all body we are an energy system.
4. Puts down is each three fingers from right hand and left in forehead. This thing can bring energy to frontal lobe. Saying: " I am good, healthy, productive and happy".
5. Vitamin B to increase energy. Applies sublingual spray of vitamin B twice one day at morning and in the evening.
6. Void drinks coffee after clock 3 evening. Select herb tea and a few beans instead.
7. Checks level of emotion. Asks to whom, where or to do I must apply vital energy? Remembers that life is a process. Thing good always coming. Positive side approach from every moment which you faces. Fur falling in your foot/feet, coin money which you finds, phone call that is not is expected, or visit from friend indicates that ‘ The universe is with you', world always together you. Everything is connected and everyone is a link indium the chain of your life.

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Not merely woman, you also able to reach multi orgasm. Namely, recuring orgasm without you experiences ejaculation. When you will learn how training yourself that can be reach multi orgasm, not merely you which euphoria would. Your couple also do not less she happily, because your endurance and gallantry. Some of boys is not merely lengthening the relation of the sexual, but also experiences orgasm without ejaculation by repeating this technique when they are approximant reach orgasm, three or four times. Some of men exercises to experience orgasm without ejaculation attractively the penis a few seconds before ejaculation (coitus interuptus). They return to correlates sexual if level of the excitement is rather declines. Trains while masturbation when you focus attention fully at your excitement process.

A man says the experience, "I start trains myself draws momentary penis before orgasm to make the relation of sexual takes place longer. When approximant reach orgasm, I release my penis and stimulate my couple by hand. Then, return I to enter penis when I is less stimulate. I get the whip hand of level of excitement by the way of that". He is continuing, "a night after repeatedly delays ejaculation, I experience orgasm without ejaculation. This remarkable experience. The night, I reach orgasm several times before finally ejaculation, which felt is stronger compared to which I have ever felt before all". Now, how do you can be reach multi orgasm like experience of the men? There are some you thing that need to do:

Firstly, when you correlates sexual, applies varying movement pattern, monotone doesn't. Second, drops it moving when approximant you to reach orgasm. Third, ejaculation delay by tightening muscle pubokoksigeus, and continues movement inch by inch.

Last, every your times are approximants reach orgasm, tightens muscle pubokoksigeus to prevent it. You will experience sensation of orgasm, although more difus because without ejaculation.

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Vaccine to prevent measles and rubella is causing autism this disorder doesn't, according to a big scale research, indicates that there is no evidence correlating immunization child of with development disparity of child. Research result, what published in Archives of Disease indium Childhood, doesn't find evidence will react is biological oddness any from immunization which can show bearing between vaccines and autism this disorder.

Research supports statement that this vaccine of course safe, a researcher from Health Protection Agency, Great Britain. This evidence now very strong, so no more require performed a research of continuation about this matter.

Autism this disorder is marked with various disabilities in social interaction and behavior, starts from syndrome Aspeger which is odd, a real recuring deportment tires out with in having to talk. So do not be because of Thimerosal / mercury base barium vaccine preservative, so called this thimerosal, be don't cause autism this disorder, will be able to increase trust of people to experience immunization MMR.

Regular athletics of vital importance for body healthy, prevents and maintains body from various disease starts from finite osteoporosis of heart sickness. But, on the happening of breast cancer, the health area experts has not agreed on does really athletics can lessen or reduces risk to grow it breast cancer. Study or research at this topic express agreeing and disagree, but newest research assists gives picture why? By considering all types and bosom cancer type as one single disease and by uniting activity physical of at all of point during a woman is life, the researcher experiences losing of important relationship between both the factors.

The hygienists is known that not all the same bosom cancers. For example, some breast cancers will grow is quicker in response existence of hormones happened naturally in body, like estrogen and progesterone, and conceived of positive receptor estrogen breast cancer (ER+) and/or positive receptor progesterone breast cancer (PR+). Breast cancer that is not response to the hormones called as negativity receptor estrogen cancer (ER-) and/or progesterone negativity receptor (PR-). The difference is important thing because the difference assists the researchers to comprehend why in itself a woman grows breast cancers, the difference also assists the medical doctors in giving best therapy at every bosom cancer type.

The researchers from Germany has checked a number of 3414 women menopause has (post menopausal) with breast cancer as a group case and a number of 6569 women without breast cancer as a group controls to determine how activity physical of when different at a woman influences their risk to bosom cancer types. They asked about activity physical of recreation and non recreation (including work and household activity) between ages 39 and 49 and after they are having age 50 years. The researchers finds that, at woman noted with level of activity physical of highest recreation (athletics) after age 50 years is concluded able to lessen risk to grow it breast cancer post menopausal around 29%, cancer ER+/PR+, where this cancer type is cancer that is very often happened and growth compared to woman with at least physical activity after age 50 years. Any is physical activity type, recreation and or no, between ages 30 and 49 years is not seen existence of influence at breast cancer risks postmenopausal. For bosom cancer type besides ER+/PR+, activity physical of regularly doesn't reduce risk both.

At this study or research, group of with highest physical activity does it around 25 hours activity runs with medium speed every day. This possibly seen a lot of time applied for having athletics, but fortunately, like does or how woman is having activity not seen means. Time 25 hours runs the only solely for purpose of comparison. The researchers simply sums up all recreation activities, is containing intention that you are not necessarily did daily activity of you during 25 hours in a time. An example, light physical activity, simple, like easy going street, gardened, or fiddled around with you children and didn't fetch up all standing at time amounts . The researchers also notes a trend or tendency of lowering of insidensi or case number of breast cancer attributed to the increasing of athletics activity amounts done, this thing explains to us that any is athletics done by that better than not having athletic at all. To get maximum advantage, tries for having athletic as many as possible and ready to do it is every day (if possibly), fatigue doesn't.

Regular Athletics
At least 30 minutes athletics activity aerobic every day like cycling, easy going street or applies equipment treadmill can assist strengthens you heart, makes heart to work more efficient, with the meaning accentual reducing at your artherys. Athletics plus value, athletics is a real important part for other reason: with athletics will assist you to see and takes care of body weight, where body weight also is one of key factor controls blood pressure. The researchers from University of South Carolina finds that though increase of BMI (Body Mass Index) a real small even if can lead to big increase of hypertension risk.

Healthy Diet
Many diet types and change of life style can improve you blood pressure. Some between it is attempt and correctness, and other is something delicious thing! The steps (diet) can assist, are you healthy or has experienced blood pressure problem and in therapy.

Important Mineral Matter
You possibly knows about usage of salt in food which must be economized as minimum as possible, but doesn't do the same thing with potassium or magnesium. a research recently evaluated in Journal of Clinical Hypertension finds that increasing intake consumption of potassium and magnesium by eating more fruits and vegetable, can assist reducing blood pressure sistolik and diastolik around 2-6 points, especially at the time of you gets out of consumption of salt. Gourd acorn (the effect of tree aok, book about acorn, banana, and fruit of date is main sources from potassium. And spinach is high vegetable magnesium content would.

Brown Product
a portion of black chocolate of ordinary measure (around 15 once) or as of temperature cup cacao/chocolate every day can lessen blood pressure around 3 point, a new study done by the researchers from Yale University said, antioxidant in chocolate is idea becoming key, though its(the not sure relationship.

Classic Music
Based on a new study presented at annual meeting of American Society of Hypertension, with only 30 minutes listens music classical is combined with exhalation of stomach is slow can reduce light storey high blood pressure with degradation around 4 point of degradation. Besides, transcendental meditation many having an in with people with hypertension like consuming second drug, shown in review research from University of Kentucky. Book way of doing transcendental meditation.

Limits alcohol
A research from Harvard finds that alcohol in number small can reduce high blood pressure risk to woman. But glass multiple every day can boost up risk at a number of health problems, including between of cancer.

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Breast cancer is frightening cancer type by womankind especially they having member of family hit by bosom cancer but there are some way to prevent or lessens risk of this cancer by the way of experiencing that is:

1. Sport regularly
Athletic regularly causes rate esterogen to decline causing can prevent the happening of bosom cancer.

2. Lessens fatty food
Number of fats and fat type consumed need to be paid attention by there are fat capable to trigger the happening of bosom cancer that is saturate fat which there is in flesh, butter, food containing milk full cream and fatty acid in margarine. Consumption too much saturate fat makes rate esterogen in blood increases, one of bosom cancer cause is esterogen. While fat capable to reduce bosom cancer risk is unsaturated fat like the one is there is in olive and omega fatty acid 3, there is at salmon and poor.

3. Do not consumes flesh charring when grilled
Ripe flesh by way of grilled to yields compound karinogenik that is amino heterosiklik.

4. Many consumes vegetable and fruits
In vegetable and fruits many containing vitamin and food matter having the character of antioxidant that is matter capable to kill and depress growth of cancer cell.

5. Consume supplement of antioxidant
Supplement can become addition of functioning food prevents even a cancer of the presence cannot replace position of fresh vegetable and fruits.

6. The sun light can assist prevents bosom cancer
A few sun shines (around 20 minutes per day) can assist prevents the happening of bosom cancer because sunshine assists body to make vitamin D which good for assisting bosom network to permeate calcium.

Tai Chi for wellness

Posted by All Info Friday, April 24, 2009 0 comments

Tai Chi is moving body integrated exhalation practice and meditation. Tai Chi is taken away from ancient china war art. Tai Chi basically exploits strength "yin" (energy coming from earth) and "yang" (energy coming from sky). The strengths then is allied through practices physical of form a formation of movement giving balance and harmonious.

Tai Chi is useful to increase flexing and body strength, makes exhalation of someone becomes stronger. Although that way, research done in Dutch exactly doubts of special quality Tai Chi especially if Tai Chi correlated to prevent fall at the age of continuation. Tai Chi is good for increasing balance by doing various practice networks done regularly.

The researchers finds there is no balance difference, fall fear, level of physical activity, and functional status among group of man who is doing tai chi and ordinary practice. Logghe from Rotterdam suggests that practice Tai Chi is limited just for preventing fall who are live in house and has high fall risk.

Type of Sinusitis

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Sinusitis can types become two big types that is based on the duration disease (acute, sub-acute, chronic) and based on inflammation type happened (infection and non infection). Called as acute sinusitis if(when the duration disease less than 30 days. Sinusitis sub-acute if the duration disease between 1 month of until 3 month, while sinusitis chronic if disease is suffered more than 3 month. Sinusitis infection usually is because of virus although at some there is also cases because of bacterium. While sinusitis non infection most of because of by allergic and irritation of chemicals. Sinusitis sub-acute and chronic often is continuation from sinusitis acute that is is not gets therapy.

Symptom sinusitis which most commonly is headache, pain in bone at face area, and fever. Almost 25% from patient sinusitis will experience fever relating to sinusitis suffered. Other symptom is pale face, discoloration at mucus, nose stufves up, pain in bone swallows, and coughs. Some patients will feel headache to increase excitement if head is bow forwards. At sinusitis because allergy hence patient also will experience other related symptom with its(the allergy like itching at eye, and sneeze sneeze.

For sinusitis which is caused by because virus hence is not required anti biotic gift. Drug that is usually given for sinusitis virus is void pain in bone taste like parasetamol and decongestant. Suspicious already happened sinusitis infection by bacterium if(when there is pain in bone symptom at face, festering mucus, and arising symptom more than one week. Sinusitis infection of bacterium generally is dosed with applies anti biotic. anti Biotic election based on bacterium type that is very often groans sine because to get anti biotic of which really according to having to bes awaiting result from breeder of germ eating stripper time. Five bacterium types that is very often infection of sine is Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenza, Moraxella catarrhalis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes. anti Biotic selected must can kill fifth of this germ type. Some anti biotic choices for example amoxicillin, cefaclor, azithromycin, and cotrimoxazole. Otherwise there is repair in five days hence need to be allowed for gives amoxicillin acid plus klavulanat. anti Biotic gift suggested to be minimum 10 to 14 days. Giving of decongestant and mukolitik can assist to launch dilution drainage of nucus. At case which khronis, can be considered does dilution drainage of nucus by the way of surgery.

Sinusitis diseases

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Sinusitis is inflammation happened at sine cavity. Sinusitis many found at patient hay fever, because at this patient happened chronic head cold effect of allergy to dirt and interest gist. Sinusitis also can be because of chemicals found on nose sprayer and other chemicals entering through nose. Didn't be forgotten if sinusitis also able to be because of virus infection or bacterium.

Sine or often also is called as with sine para nasalis is air chamber found on part of solid of skull bone around face, functioning to lighten skull bone. This cavity amounts to four left tides and right. Sine frontal located in part of forehead, while sine maksilaris located in cheek back. Mean while, sine sphenoid and rather deeper located ethmoid sine rear eye socket and rear sine maxsiliaric. Sine wall especially formed by dilution producer cell of nucus. Inlet air into sine through a puncture connecting between sine cavities with nasal cavity so-called with ostia. If along of a because this blocked hole hence air cannot go out admission and dilution of nucus produced in sine cannot be released.

Sinusitis can happened if there is jetting trouble of air from and to sine cavity and existence of expenditure trouble of dilution of nucus. Existence of fever, flu, allergic and irritation material can cause the happening of swelling at ostia so that this drainage hole becomes is blocked and bothers sine air current and expenditure of dilution of nucus. Causative differ from blocked of ostia is tumor and trauma. dilution drainage of Exit nucus from sine cavity also able to be pursued by coagulation of dilution of itself nucus. This coagulation happened as result of anti histamine drug administration, disease fibro kistik and other. Nucus producer cell has smooth hair (cilia) the always makes a move to push dilution of exit nucus from sine cavity. Smoke of cigarette is the cause of its(the breakdown this smooth hair so that expenditure of dilution of nucus becomes annoyed. dilution of Nucus accumulate in sine cavity within old is balmy place for living it bacterium, viral and mushroom.


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Mesothelioma is scarce cancer in the form of malignant cells found in layer which chest poke (in lungs membrane) or stomach (membrane/peritoneum). Mesothelioma is form of rareness cancer which will influence covering membrane and protects against various body organs (mesothelium). Mesothelium consisted of two layers from cells specially is known as cell mesothelial. One direct layer encircles an organ, form of the other a protector poke around organ. The most common form of mesothelioma affects the membrane or sac that lines the lungs (pleura).

Form of mesothelioma which most commonly will influence membrane or sack in lung channel (lung membrane). Situs other public is including membrane limiting the stomach membrane) and pericardium layer (pericardium). Most of people with ferocious mesothelioma has worked for work where they are inhale asbestos, a fiber applied in insulating material.

Term "cancer" refers to a group of abnormal disease, growth of uncontrolled cells (for example, cell mesothelial) what groans around network and can disseminate (metastasize) far to cells or body organ through blood, weak system, or other supporting facilities. Various form of cancers, including mesothelioma, can be classified based on involving cell type, special from badness, cells or organ hit by impact, and of disease clinic only. Symptom mesothelioma varies depend on location, type and phase from cancer. Around 70-80 percentage of cases mesothelioma as result of hit by asbestos. Symptom mesothelioma cannot emerge until until 50 years after beginning of breathing in asbestos. But, after symptom starts seen, mesothelioma can swiftly causes complication life threat. Symptom include out of breath, chest pain, or bloated or ill in stomach. Therapy, what covers operation, chemotherapy, and radiation, based on has cancer disseminated (metastasized) and phase from cancer.

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Isotonic Beverage Risk

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Isotonic beverage frequently is consumed people to add stamina. But, are you know that isotonic also will affect is ugly for health if the energy adder beverage contains caffeine matter. It is the result of research of Roland Griffiths at the same time strengthens research before all done by Johns Hopkins.

Griffith checks 1253 school child consuming the beverage to increase their stamina. The participants is observed how often they to drink the isotonic dilution. Besides, condition of they are watched with inspection of routine. The result of it, they consuming energy beverage containing caffeine in high dose would more potency experiences damage function of body organ.

Before all at 2007, research is done to 496 school child, 51% children consumes at least one the stamina adder beverages within a week. The result of it, 29% from they experience soul shocking. Equal to other 19% suffers heart trouble, like not regular heart tick.

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Benefit of Apple

Posted by All Info 0 comments

Eats apple every day and body will be protected from disease. Like in English proverb meaning an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Appearance of red apple and overripe invites imagination and man appetite who is looking into it. Apple is nicknamed by sensual forbidden fruit and has separate fascination. Moreover, this fruit has many benefits for health, that is:

1. Reduces cholesterol rate.
Apple is recognized to contains phyto chemistry, effective antioxidant matter fights against cholesterol bad, besides reducing bad cholesterol, apple also increases good cholesterol ( HDL). Pectin content and acid D - glucaric in meritorious apple assists reducing bad cholesterol rate in body.
2. Prevents cancer and makes healthy lung - lung.
Matter flavorid in proven apple can reduce lung cancer risk - lung to 50 %. Research from Cornell University in AS also finds that phyto chemistry matter in apple skin pursues growth of intestine cancer 43 %.
3. Prevents heart sickness and stroke.
Proven apple prevents attack stroke. publication of Research in Finland ( 1996) shows, people is having pattern eats rich of flavorid experiences lower heart sickness incident.
4. Reduces body weight.
As source of good fiber, apple good to digestion and assists reducing body weight. Apple is snack a real good to man is being reducing body weight because the fiber rate height, causing prevents hungry taste come quicker.
5. Takes care of tooth health.
Apple also contains tannin, useful matter prevents damage of tooth periodontal. This pyorrhea caused is each other patch it plaque former bacterium.
6. Makes woman remain to be beautiful
Boron content in proven apple assists woman to maintain estrogen hormone rate when menopause. Maintains estrogen to mean lessens trouble which caused by in-(un- hormone balance when menopause, for example temperature blast, pain in bone, depression, heart sickness, osteoporosis.
7. Protects body from virus flu.
According to him, eiders hardly good to fighting against virus infection attack because stamina and impenetrability of body increases blessing of consumption of the eiders.

Womb Cancer, Ghost of All Women

Posted by All Info Wednesday, April 08, 2009 0 comments

Womb canker ( cervix), be scariest bogey for all woman. Besides has not there are the drug, womb canker also able to result death. This cancer type very often is found among neo plastic disease gine cologic, and becomes main death cause of cancer patient woman in developing countries.

Gracious canker is marked with growing of cells at atypical womb mouth (abnormal). Before becoming cancer cells, happened some changes experienced by the cells during through years. At initial stadium, this cancer tends to is not detected. At phase pra-kanker or displasia until stadium 1, practical there is no sigh felt. Has just stepped on stadium 1A-3B there is sigh. One of label significant is blood exit at the time correlates sex, while at stadium 4B, possible cancer cell crawl all over to brain and lung.

"Womb cancer cause is virus Human papilloma. This virus emerges for example as result of behavior of often flits sex couple, causing venereal disease," said sex and content expert dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha SpOG MARS.

Besides, womb mouth cells that ac by nicotine contained in blood also has tendency to influence the mucous membrane at body, including womb mouth the mucous membrane, causing makes it is susceptible to cancer cells. Can also infection from sperm containing complement histone which can react with cervix cell DNA, so that happened cancer. Dilution of Sperm (cement) man is having the character of alkalis also can generate change at cells ephitel cervix (neoplasm and displasia), and results womb canker.

"More and more the histerous of usage of contraception pill and fades it feels small if pregnancy outside marries also stand in improvement of womb canker number," adds Boyke which also The husband/wife spouse Clinic Managing Director.

What preventing it?

Existence of detection early and the many handlings and good medical management in handling of cancer will lengthen patient life stripper. most Effective prevention is through detection early with inspection of pap smear, which able to detect growth of cells which will become cancer cell. Increasingly early abnormal cells is detected, increasingly low someone risk suffers womb canker. Pap smear test is an safe inspection, cheap, and has been used through years to detect disparity of cells in womb mouth. This test first time found by dr. George Papanicolou. This test method is inspection of cells taken away from by dilution of gracious mouth and then is investigated with microscope to see changes happened from the cell. This test didn't eat much time, only few minutes.

Situation impatient lies down supine, will be enter an equipment so-called spekulum into vagina hole. Then gracious cell sap is taken by the way of stroking cervix uteri wall with an equipment so-called spatula. The dilution dabbed at object-glass, then is sent to pathology laboratory to be investigated furthermore. Inspection of pap smear regular hardly is needed to knows more early existence of initial change from cells having potency to become cancer.

But, inspection of pap smear has some enabling weakness gets result that is less accurate, for example if expenditure of dilution from vagina unable to be adequate finite of cell in it not seen. Other weakness, probably because coloration matter applied has lapsed. Concerning other constraint human errors when inspection is done.

Following is some things that need to be done to obviate woman from possibility is hit by womb cancer. Check up regularly. If You are adult woman doing coitus regularly, does pap smear test every two years. This done until having age 70 years. Wary to the indication of cancer. Soon contacts medical doctor if there are symptoms that is below par like haemorrahage, especially after sexual activity. Avoiding smoking. Woman shall not smoke, because can stimulate incidence of cancer cells through nicotine contained in your blood. Smoker woman risk is hit by womb canker is 4-13 bigger times compared to nonsmoker woman. Estimated nicotine to give toxic effect at cell epitel, causing facilitates the entry of antiseptic virus. Avoiding mutagen. Obviates wash habit of vagina by using antiseptic drugs and also deodorant because will result irritation in cervix stimulating the happening of cancer. Avoids usage of powder at fertility age woman vagina, because exactly can result ovary cancer (ovary). Don't apply estrogen at woman that is overdue menopouse.

Other factors also trigger easy to of gracious canker cell groans for example the relation of sexual under age (under age 20), and the relation of unstable sexual. Besides, giving of hormone Diet Histilbe Sterol (DES) at the time pregnancy can generate cervix cancer and vagina at the descendant. But, factor problem changes sexual couple in this womb canker case not merely prohibition for the side of woman. Wife having husbands to go in for sexual with prostitute also big potency is attacked by womb canker.

But, in general, this womb canker caused ignorance or the low of knowledge about the prevention as result of low social and economic factor.

Like the one is we know, artheroma is the root cause from coroner heart sickness. Heaping from fat, especially from cholesterol known as plaque, formed at arterys wall. This makes them narrows and thus lessens blood stream. When crack plaque, blood Iump formed to barst area, rives blood to reach part of cardiac muscle. This is what is going on at heart attack. All this process very possibly happened at man who is having high cholesterol rate.

Your gene has some of responsibilities to determination of your cholesterol rate. Some families has gene increasing blood fat. This condition called as Hyperlipidaemia family (Familial Hyperlipidaemia). Any way food plays important role at cholesterol rate. More fats - especially animal fat - which you eats, hence higher of your cholesterol rate and bigger of your risk gets coroner heart sickness. So labors lessens animal fat in your food.

We also can see other reason. Sucks cigarette to have a real strong relationship with risk is hit coroner heart sickness (CHD). Chemical material in cigarette is permeated inside the blood stream from lung and encircles all body, influences every body cell. This chemicals narrows vein the time being. They also makes blood chippings so-called platelets becomes stickier, thus increases possibility to form blood Iump.

Pipe inhalator (pipe) and cigar doesn't have primary risk from cigarette smoker but they are permanent more susceptibly gets CHD compared to without smoker (non-smokers). Reason of why medical doctor majors at cessation of you smoking are because this risk factor earns in controlling by you.

Stres also is factor determining level of serious from heart sickness. Many mans is getting heart attack to refer personal stres as the cause, but hardly amazes its difficult to proving this relationship scientifically. There are some precipitating factor confessed, like practice that is sudden and experience of a real extraordinary emotion, what can trigger heart attack, but this is something which seldom happened. We also often thought of that certain person types has higher level risk compared to the other.

Theory connecting coroner heart sickness with person with heavy stress have ever been once ahead becomes mode, and a lot of business done to assure door die people during the life for relax. Modern research failed to confirm invention then.

Kidney arranges hydrogen ion exponent, concentration of mineral ion, and composition of water in blood. Kidney maintains blood plasma hydrogen ion exponent to the range of 7,4 through ion exchange hidronium and hydroxyl. As a result, urine yielded able to have the character of acid at hydrogen ion exponent 5 or alkalis at hydrogen ion exponent 8. Sodium ion rate is controlled through a homeostasis process entangling aldosterone increasing to absorb of sodium ion at konvulation tubulus.

Increase or pressure drop of osmotic blood because excess or lacking of water would soon detected by hypothalamus which will give signal at pituitary gland with negative feedback. secretion pituitary gland of Hormone anti diuretic (vasopressin, to depress secretion of water) so that happened change of level of imbibition of water at kidney tubulus. As a result concentration of dilution of network will return to to become 98%.

In general, one can lived is normal with only one kidneys. If(when both kidneys doesn't function normal, hence someone need to get a Kidney Substitution Therapy ( TPG). this TPG can be done either tentative of time and also continuous. TPG consisted of three, that is: Haemodialysis (Haemodialysis), Peritoneal Dialisis (Cleans Stomach Cavity) and Cangkok Ginjal (transplantation). Elementary principle from Hemodialisis is by cleaning blood by using imitation kidney. While Peritoneal dialysis applies Selaput stomach cavity (peritoneum) as filter between bloods and dilution Dianial.

Transplantation of Fair to middling present kidney of public. transplantation of Kidney can be done in " cadaveric" (from someone who has died) or from donor that is above the ground (usually member of family). There are some advantage for transplantation from donor that is above the ground, including nicer conformity, donor can be test accross the board before the transplantation and kidney tends to has longer life span.

Cervix cancer or cervix uteri cancer is one of cancer that is very often groans woman in the world. WHO estimates death as result of cervix uteri cancer will increase finite of 25% by next 10 years. In the year 2005 there is more than 500000 new cases of cervix cancer and more than 90%] there is in developing countries. Case number and woman death rate as result of cervix uteri cancer enough heights and estimated to be increasing.

Cervix uteri cancer is cancer happened at woman reproductive organ. This Disease happened at woman which age reproduktif between 20 - 30 years. HPV (HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS) be virus causing this cervix uteri cancer. Although this disease is ferocity disease which can cause death, but awareness to investigate x'self felt to be very low, this thing is not quit of lack of knowledge about this cancer. The indication is more than 70% patient coming to Hospital have been at continuation condition. One of way of prevention of cervix uteri cancer that is most effective is by the way of detecting existence of HPV early possibly. If coming late detected by hence the virus will change form of cell cell is around by cervix uteri and will grow to cancer phase which is difficult is cured. There are some way to do detection early cervix uteri cancer, between it is Tes Pap (Pap smear) and test HPV. This pap test is inspection of cytology with level of middle sensitivity (good enough), while for test HPV for existence of type HPV type high risk and low risk. This seminar is striving recognition of cervix uteri neoplastic disease, detection early and its(the prevention. Recognition to the anti HPV cancer and vaccine type also is expected able to increase women health status.


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Singe is damage or losing of network caused by contact with source of temperature like fire, temperature water, chemicals, electrics, and radiation.


Because of energy transfer from source of temperature to body through conduction or radiation electromagnetic. Based on the journey singe disease is divided to to become 3 phase, that is :

1. Acute phase

At this phase the problem centre around breath channel trouble caused by injuring inhalation and circulation trouble. At this phase happened balance trouble of circulation of dilution and electrolyte as result of injuring thermal to have the character of systematical.

2. Acute sub phase

This phase takes place after shock to end. Gape cut as result of network damage (skin and network under it) generates inflammation problem, sepsis and evaporation of body fluids is accompanied by energy.

3. Continuation phase

This phase takes place after happened closing of hurt until happened maturation. Problem at this phase is incidence of penyulit from singe in the form of scar hyperthrofic, contracture, and other deformity.


Singe results improvement of venous permebility so that water, chloride and body protein will go out from within cell and causes edema which can continue in the situation hipovolemia and hemoconsentrate. Burn shock (shock Hipovolemik ) be komplikasi which often happened, systematical manisfestasi of body for this condition is:

1. Response kardiovaskuiler

Transfer of dilution from intravaskuler to ekstravaskuler melelui capillary leakage results losing of Na, water and Plasma protein and network oedema followed with degradation of cardiac output Hemokonsentrasi red blood cell, degradation of perfusi to major organ of oedema totally.

2. Response Renalis

With lowering of volume intra vaskuler hence stream to kidney and GFR declines results output of urine declines and can cause renal failure

3. Response Gastro Intestinal

Common response at singe > 20 % is degradation of gastrointestinal activity. This thing because of combination of response effect hipovolemic and neurologic and endocrine response to existence of requires wide. Installation of NGT prevents the happening of distention by abdomen, vomit and aspiration.

4. Response Imonologi

Some of mechanic bases, skin as defense mechanism from entering organism. The happening of skin integrity trouble will enable micro organism admission to be hurt.

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Anemia is a situation where body experiences lacking of red blood count in circulation of blood. Or happened lacking of HB rate in set of blood volume. Normal blood count ± 5 million red blood cells per mm3 blood. In general people tyed anemia if red blood cell <>

Red blood cell trouble

Red blood cell trouble which blood count declines will generate anaemia (cell erythocyt declines, HB total declines). Degradation of number of this caused nutrient Fe in body hardly less and breakdown bone marrow, losing of red blood cell which because :

1. Acute ( bears, accident), chronic ( hemoloid, Calcium Cx and others, worm).

2. Damage red blood cell or breakdown because toxin, snake venom, bacterium, high temperature pressure, trauma, transfuse blood, descendant erythrosyt

Kinds Of the Anemia and classification

Many ways to classify anemia for example can be evaluated from factor the benyeban, form of the erythrocyte, breed and others like:

Anemia according to because its :

a. Because forming of erythrocyte decreases, because its; lacking of nutrient, damage of back bone marrow.

b. Because haemorrhage. Acute; bears, miscarriage, accident. Chronic; because hookworm disease (ankylostomiosis), hemorrhoid (ambeien), haemorrhage because kankar cervix and others.

c. Hemolyse increases (anaemia hemolytica) "Because body from outside as of case toxin, snake venom, bacteria, temperature, etc.

Etiology Diabetes Mellitus

Posted by All Info Tuesday, April 07, 2009 0 comments

Diabetes mellitus (DM) be disease metabolic which most hereditary, with marking hyperguchemia and glucosuria, accompanied with or inexistence of acute clinic symptom and or kronik, in consequence of decrease the effective insulin in body, primary trouble lays in metabolism of usual carbohydrate is accompanied also metabolism trouble of fat and protein. Gangren is process or situation marked with existence of dead network or necrosis, but in microbiology is processing necrosis which caused by infection. Foot/Feet Gangren Diabetics hurt at blackish red foot/feet and stinks cork effect happened in big or medium vein in heel.

Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus has heterogeneous etiology, where various lesions can cause insulin insufficiency, but genetic determinant usually plays a part is important at Diabetes mellitus majority. Other factor considered to be possibility that Deutschmark etiology that is :

1. Disparity of pancreas beta cell, shifts from loss of beta cell until failure of beta cell releases insulin.

2. Area factors changing function of beta cell, for example agent which can generate infection, diet where inclusion of carbohydrate and sugar processed too much, obesity and pregnancy.

3. Immunity system trouble. This system can be done by auto immunity what accompanied forming of anti pankreatic antibody cells and results damage cell - cell secretion insulin, then improvement of sensitivity of beta cell by virus.

4. Insulin disparity. At obesity patient, happened sensitivity trouble of network to insulin as result of lack of insulin receptor found on cell membrane which responsir to insulin.


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Millions of people have diabetes mellitus, commonly called diabetes. You may be surprised to know that many of these people don’t even know they have it. Diabetes is a serious disease and should not be ignored. If you have it, correct treatment can help you live a long and healthy life. If you have diabetes, your body can’t make or use insulin. Insulin helps change sugar into energy to keep you alive. There are different kinds of diabetes. The main ones are type 1 and type 2.

Type 1 Diabetes

This type of diabetes is mostly found in children and young adults. If you have type 1diabetes, your body does not make insulin and you must inject insulin daily. You may:

• urinate often • be very thirsty

• be very hungry • lose a lot of weight

• be very tired • be irritable

• have blurred vision • have trouble seeing

Type 2 Diabetes

Most people with diabetes have this form of the disease. Type 2 is usually found in people over 45, who have diabetes in their family, who are overweight, who don’t exercise, and who have cholesterol problems. It is also common in certain racial and ethnic groups (blacks, American Indians, and Hispanics) and in women who had diabetes when they were pregnant. If you have type 2 diabetes, your body cannot make enough insulin or correctly use it. Treatment is diabetes pills and sometimes insulin injections, as well as diet and exercise. You may have:

• Any of the symptoms of type 1 diabetes

• A lot of infections

• Cuts or bruises that heal slowly

• Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet

• Skin, gum, or bladder infections that keep coming back.

Controlling Diabetes

Daily monitoring and careful control of blood sugar levels are the most important steps to take for people with diabetes. If not treated, diabetes can cause:

• High blood sugar (which could make you thirsty, tired, lose weight, urinate often, or give you infections that won’t go away)

• Many serious health problems (which could hurt your eyes, kidneys, nerves, or heart).

Warning: Low Blood Sugar

People with diabetes may develop low blood sugar because their blood has too much insulin or other blood sugar-lowering medication or from not eating enough food. It is important to follow the eating and medication schedule your doctor has prescribed to avoid low blood sugar. Low blood sugar could make you shaky, dizzy, sweaty, hungry, have a headache, have pale skin color, have sudden mood or behavior changes, have clumsy or jerky movements, have difficulty paying attention, feel confused, or have tingling sensations around the mouth.

Taking Care of Your Diabetes

The best way to take care of your diabetes is to make sure the levels or amount of sugar in your blood are near the normal range. This will make you feel better and help you stay healthy. Your doctor will tell you how often to check your blood sugar level. To do this, you will need to take a drop of your blood and place it on a special test strip. Then a device, called a blood glucose meter, reads the strip. This device measures the amount of sugar in your blood. Writing down this level, along with the time and date, will help you see how well your treatment plan is working.


A person’s blood sugar level rises after eating any meal that contains carbohydrates or protein. Table sugar (also called sucrose) counts as a carbohydrate. Artificial sweeteners, such as saccharin, aspartame (NutraSweet), and sucralose (Splenda), do not count as carbohydrates or fats. They make food taste sweet. But they do not raise blood sugar levels and have little or no calories.

What Else Can You Do?

Eat well-balanced meals. The right amount of healthy food will keep your weight under control and help manage your diabetes. Your body needs food from the four main food groups every day:

• Fruits and vegetables (oranges, apples, bananas, carrots, and spinach)

• Whole grains, cereals, and bread (wheat, rice, oats, bran, and barley)

• Dairy products (milk, cheese, and yogurt)

• Meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dried beans, and nuts.


Pap Smear

Posted by All Info Monday, April 06, 2009 0 comments

Pap smear is a simple test to investigate cervix uteri health (cervix) you. The test only requires painless and just few minutes time. Test is the best way to detect and prevents cervix uteri cancer.

Pap smear can show forewarning marking existence of cancer in cervix uteri. Your Cervix Uteri there is in vagina, which is entrance into womb (uterine) you. Sometime small cells of alterable healthy cervix uteri becoming not healthy (abnormal). This thing happened without you to realize it. The abnormal cells can be handled by a medical doctor, far before becoming cancer. Until 90% cervix uteri cancer that is most commonly possible preventable if change of cell early is detected and cured.

If You had have ever done coitus, you must investigate itself for Pap smear every 2 year. Women must investigate itself regularly up to age 70 years.

When You does Pap smear, important that you enquires to your medical doctor when and how do you will be able to know result of its. Result of it is mostly normal. If result of its is simply below par, this thing is not meaning you are hit by cancer. This possibly indicates that you suffers minor ailment which can be handled by medical doctor. Important that you talks with your medical doctor about result of test and treatment that is better if you does.

Sometime there are woman required a more regular Pap smear and also there is requires a specialist medical doctor. Because if there are indisposed cells, the curable cells. Ensures that you to talk with your medical doctor about best treatment for you.

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